Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gentle Nudging

Hello One and All,

So, here I am, astounded  at the simple success of following directions.  Technology  has always been  a spector,  floating over my shoulder and laughing in my ear.   I have decided to tell that malevolent ghost to go to hell.  I have too much creativity to waste my time planning.  It's  time to start doing.  

A website of my own.   Dedicated to whatever is racing around in my mind and running down through my fingers and on to the keyboard.   A gift from my Brother.  His way of nudging me to write I guess.I am always needling him to continue drawing and painting.   Writing was my first real  passion.  I scribbled long before I crocheted or sewed or embroideredd anything.  Its writing that led me to theater and to directing.  Thank you again my Brother.
So away we

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